The HRBN Metrics.There are close to sixty (60) metrics available to participants in the current HRBN survey. The HRBN "package" of metrics is reviewed annually with participants. Our objectives in that review are to keep the indicator selection both current and value-added for participants and address any need for clarification in formulas or supporting definitions.
Network members also often provide feedback on new measurement areas to explore; many of these suggestions result in new indicators being added to the survey in subsequent years. |
More about the Metrics
We've listed many of the key metrics in the current survey in general categories below. For more detail or a complete list, please reach out to Colin Dawes directly.
Talent Acquisition.* Internal Hires/Total Hires Ratio (plus one variation)
* Time to Fill Position (plus one variation) * Vacancy Rate (plus one variation) Health and Wellness.* Paid Sick Hours Per Employee
* Sick Pay Expense/Operating Expense * EFAP Utilization Rate * New LTD Case Rate * Workers Compensation (rate/severity) (four) I |
Total Rewards.* Salary Expense/Operating Expense
* Benefits Expense/Compensation Expense * Overtime Expense/Operating Expense * Health Benefit Expense Per Employee * Dental Benefit Expense Per Employee HR Structure and Technology.* HR FTEs per employee (plus three variations)
* HR Technology Indicator * HR Expense/Operating Expense |
Employee and Labour Relations.* Grievance Rate (plus one variation)
* Grievance Resolution Stag * Performance Appraisal-related (three) "People Asset"-related.* Employee Service, Age and Gender
* External Hire Rate (plus one variation) * Turnover Rate (plus one variation) * LOA-related indicators (three) |