On Benchmarking Human Resources ... "Everything old is new again". Sources on the internet suggest the quote is originally from Jonathan Swift (the author of Gulliver's Travels) but I think the idea behind it is much, much older, as old as humanity.
The idea behind it is a foundational principle of benchmarking practice: if it's a challenge for you, it's a challenge someone else has also faced or is facing. Maybe a lot of people. The right answer for your organization (or at least a solid idea or two) is out there, just waiting for you to find, if you benchmark.
"Understanding" in benchmarking begins with measurement, but your solution lies in the real world - with real change. Your numbers do matter: solid metrics, measurement and analytics programming are "must-haves" for HR success. But they aren't enough on their own. For true value, numbers need context, need meaning.
Benchmarking, especially (but not exclusively) within a particular sector, provides that context and meaning by facilitating comparison and exploration of both performance and practice in the benchmarking organizations; first quantitatively, to identify action areas and the extent of action required, and then of real-world policy and practice, to gather alternative options for solutions.
Having that knowledge, that context, underlying your argument and proposed approach to a challenge, can move the discussion from what your numbers are to what they mean. In a way, I like to think benchmarking effectively "super-charges" your numbers, augmenting their value to you and to your organization.
Whether your concern is about something relatively "straight-forward", say involving internal reporting or meeting an accreditation or certification standard, or something potentially more involved like building a business case for HR resources or improving the effectiveness of an HR program or policy, my experience with the HRBN tells us that benchmarkingcanhelp, by providing both the knowledge you require, and the basis for the argument you will need, to find, resource and implement the right solution for your organization.